Living Green Supremefood – Energy Booster Review!

Here you can read the Living Green Supremefood review:
Official Website: Click Here
The Living Green Supremefood – Energy Booster is a nutritional supplement made by Dr Don Colbert, Divine Health.
There are a great many green ‘superfoods’ on the market. At a guess, there would easily be more than 200 brands and they all have different formulations.
But what are superfoods? There are many definitions. Some will have goji berries, acai berries, wheatgrass powder, or based on herbs, veggie powders or grains, some have single-celled algae called organic Spirulina in them, some are densely packed with these active ingredients, others are mostly a carrier with only a speckle of ingredients, the list goes on and on and on.

With so many different brands this is clearly a highly competitive market and because they all claim to offer different health benefits and they will all make claims of their superiority over competing products it also causes massive confusion for consumers, myself included.
This product contains powdered greens and has been certified as “organic supplements” by Quality Assurance International (QAI), a for-profit corporation, established in 1989, and headquartered in San Diego, California.
QAI is one of the world’s largest certifiers, operating in the United States, Canada, Latin America, European Union, and Japan and has itself achieved the following accreditations:
- United States Department of Agriculture – Organic (USDA)
- International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS)
- Conseil des appellations reservées et des termes valorisants (CARTV, Canada)
- Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein (DEKRA, Germany for ISO 14001)
- Japanese Agricultural Stan (JAS) through QAI’s Japan-based partner EcoCert.
Visit the Official WebSite for more information about this product.
The ingredients

This product is a green powder drink supplement made up by mixing water with the powder that, in addition to organic Flavours, Stevia sweetener and Citric Acid, has the following main active ingredients (ie organic powders and extracts, pre/probiotics and digestive enzymes)
The science and the benefits
The literature on each of these and every one of ingredients in the table above is replete with accolades of their efficacy and benefits and a quick search on the US Food and Drug Administration ( and US Department of Agriculture ( websites gave me a very clear understanding as to why so many people say such good things about these ingredients.
What Dr Colbert has done is to put them together in his own unique formulation and packaged them up in a convenient and easy to use format. According to his website, the ingredients for this product help:
- break down proteins and fat providing optimal nourishment for your cells
- support the healthy functioning of the liver and immune system to aid in detoxification
- support cell reproduction, as well as restorative processes that promote healthy organs and tissues
- overcome the ill effects of oxygen toxicity and decreasing oxidative stress
- treat skin disorders such as skin ulcers, impetigo, and eczema
- protect the liver from toxins, including certain drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), which can cause liver damage in high doses
- the liver repair itself by growing new cells through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Can I use this product if I have food allergies?
While it is important to know something about the ingredients in this product, it is equally important to know what is not in it, particularly for those people who have certain food allergies. This greens supplement is dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free and does not contain any ingredients that have been genetically modified (ie GMO), which is an absolute pre-requisite under any organic labelling scheme.
How is this product made?
According to the Dr Colbert website, to preserve the quality of the ingredients they are dried using a slow low-temperature drying process. The key benefit of this is in the way it preserves the delicate molecular structure of the heat sensitive bioactive compounds, phytonutrients and digestive enzymes, all of which are easily destroyed when using faster but harsher high heat processes adopted by most other manufacturers.

Where to buy Living Green Supremefood?
For more details, please go to Official WebSite
Hope this Living Green Supremefood review was helpful.