Piers Morgan’s chat with Caitlyn Jenner

Alongside the quips about make-up and wolf whistling there was a frankness you seldom see in celebrity interviews these days
Piers Morgan’s chat with Caitlyn Jenner one of the most fascinating Life Stories yet.
Over at Life Stories tonight Piers Morgan was busy reading out a quote that had caught his eye prior to the recording.
“It’s this silly and useless lump of skin that irritates the hell out of me.”

Caitlyn put Piers in his place at the start of the interview
When he’d first tried broaching the subject at the very start of the interview Caitlyn had put him so firmly in his place I genuinely feared she was about to pull the plug on the entire evening.
That would have been a shame. This was one of the most fascinating Life Stories yet.

Caitlyn’s is a story she has clearly grown used to discussing in public
Having decided a long time ago that my life did not need the Kardashian sisters’ circus in it, I wasn’t really clued up on the full story of their dad/stepdad Bruce’s transition into Caitlyn.
It’s a story Caitlyn has clearly grown used to discussing in public though.

Caitlyn was open and frank throughout
You only had to witness her playing up to the studio audience with one or two well-worn anecdotes.
However, alongside the quips about make-up and wolf whistling there was a frankness you seldom see in celebrity interviews these days.

Jenner played up to the studio audience
That said, my favourite bit was still Piers enquiring, with genuine curiosity, “How do you do a facelift with glue?”
So maybe he had been reading his feedback forms after all.